Business Catalogs

Member Catalogs

Amazing Membership Promotion Services 
when you join the 
Belleville Area Chamber of Commerce. 

Your catalog can be on this carousel along with others! 

This catalog is yours to edit, and use as a mini web site. On our membership directory, people can click on it for more information, you can offer discounts, and deals, and numerous products and services. 
This comes at no cost to you, and is included in your membership registration fee (for new members). Renewing members will see this addedto your package over the next few months.  
One of the biggest bonuses, is that it comes with your own Mobile App! 
You will get your own code (some version of your company name) and our dedicated number; 866-866-5545 
Why is this important? Because people are not always sitting behind a computer. Anyone with a mobile phone can get your information. 
Put up special promotions on this, and then use your code and our text number to drive people to your site.
During WinterFest, over 900 people texted Belleville to 866-866-5545 in order to check out our community! 

Here are a couple of real examples!
Text: WAYNECCC to 866-866-5545
Text: ICS to 866-866-5545
Text: HOLIDAYBELLVILLE to 866-866-5545

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