One of our missions is to provide our members an opportunity to promote their businesses. There is no better way to do so than to sponsor portions of a community festival. The two main festivals that the Chamber manages are it's Summer Lake Fest, and the Winter Fest in December. 10's of thousands come to the community and for 90-days leading up to the event, your business name is promoted in social media, local advertising, and thru the newsletter.
We will have additional targeted opportunities for you to sponsor activities such as networking meetings, lunch and learns, morning coffees and our annual member appreciation and awards banquet. Our members hear about these opportunities first! They get first crack at all of these key opportunities.
Why use the Chamber to promote your business?
- We have nearly 3,500 Active Followers on Facebook
- Over 1,500 subscribers to our newsletter and a 32% open rate (Industry average is 18%)
- Our new Welcome Center has an info screen where you can advertise where hundreds of community members come monthly
We can help you market and grow your business!